We are very pleased to welcome you to our new starters’ meeting. We look forward to getting to know both you and your child. This handbook has two aims. The first is to give a brief outline of how main school operates. The second is to explain the ways in which we will manage your child’s transition into full-time school.
We hope that you are looking forward to your child starting school and that any questions you may have will be answered during this session.
This section of our website will give you an overview of everything you need to know about starting Nunthorpe Primary School.
See a tour of our School.
Contact Information
Nunthorpe Primary Academy
Swans Corner
Guisborough Road
Tel: 01642 315508
Email: enquiries@nunthorpeprimary.co.uk
Key Staff Members
Mrs O’Gara
Class teacher:
Miss Follan & Miss Close
Nursery teacher:
Miss Topcliffe
Teaching Assistants:
Miss Scurr, Miss Hill, Miss Leigh-Jones
School Office:
Mrs Wilson, Mrs West/Mrs Saunders
Meet the teachers
School Starters’ Information
Times of the School Day
Main school starts at 9:00am
The lunch break is from12:00am until 1.00pm
The school day ends at 3.20pm
The school day starts at 9:00am Miss Follan/ Miss Close will meet you and your child at the Reception door from 8:45am. For safeguarding reasons we ask that you say goodbye to your child at this point.
Lunch time is 12:00am until 1.00pm.
The school day ends at 3.20pm. At home-time children should be collected from the same door they are dropped off at. Please let us know who will be picking up your child. If your plans change, telephone the school office and update them as soon as possible. Children who are not collected on time will be taken to the after school club. You will be charged for this service.
School Uniform
All children are encouraged to wear school uniform. Navy sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces can be ordered directly from our suppliers. Children should wear a white shirt or blouse. Trousers/ pinafores and skirts should be grey. In summer, girls can wear a blue gingham school dress. Boys can wear grey school shorts.
Initials can be embroidered on to these by the supplier for a small charge. These are extremely helpful to both staff and children.
PE Kit and Spare Clothes
We will let you know which days the children have P.E. Please send one pair of navy blue shorts and a light blue t-shirt in a clearly labelled drawstring bag. All clothing should be marked with your child’s name.
For reasons of safety, children are not allowed to wear jewellery at school.
Children also need to have a spare change of clothes to keep at school. It is ideal if spare clothes can be kept in a second drawstring bag. Please include a spare top, trousers/ skirt and several pairs of socks/ tights and underwear.
Your child does not need trainers or plimsolls until the beginning of the summer term. No laces please.
Getting to know your child
In Reception we follow a play-based approach to learning. Therefore, it is very helpful to find out what interests and motivates your child. Included in your pack is an ‘All About Me Form’ (you will find this in the download section). By filling it in and returning it to school you will help us to plan for your child’s learning style and hopefully we will be able to ensure that they look forward to coming into school each day.
It is also very important for us to have up to date information about your child and their health. Please ensure that you include all relevant medical information on the forms provided. If you wish to discuss any medical needs in more detail we will be happy to arrange an appointment with you. Our school nurse can also offer help and advice.
Any factors which may affect your child’s emotional health are also very important. Therefore we hope that you will feel comfortable sharing any information which may impact on your child’s well-being at school. All information is treated as confidential unless stated otherwise.
Please also ensure all contact details are up to date for September 2020.
Transition into School
It is very important to us that your child feels happy and secure at school. One of the ways we try to ensure this happens is by planning a very carefully managed period for transition. Most children starting school in September are already very familiar with the Reception classroom and staff because our Nursery and Reception class work very closely together as a unit. It also means that they should be familiar with all members of staff.
You will also be invited to come and try a school lunch with your child.
School Dinners
Lunch time is 12:00am until 1.00pm.
The Reception class always take first sitting and are cared for in the dinner hall by their nominated lunch-time supervisor. School operates a pre-ordered menu system. Lunch choices are made from menus which are sent home for parents and children to complete together. The same menu is repeated every three weeks throughout a term. Each term the menus and revised and new selections can be made.
There is no charge for a school meal for children in Reception, Year One or Two.
You may wish to send a packed meal for your child to eat at lunch-time. As part of our Healthy Eating Policy we ask that you carefully consider what forms the contents of your child’s lunch. Please do not send fizzy drinks or sweets in as part of a packed lunch.
There are children in school who have an allergy to peanuts and, in the interests of their health, we ask that no peanuts or foods containing them, such as peanut butter, are brought into school either as snacks or in the contents of a packed lunch.
The Curriculum
In Reception learning takes place through activities which are both planned by adults and planned and initiated by the children.
Children will continue to learn in a hands-on, play-based way just as they have done in Nursery.
There are three prime areas:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
In addition to the prime areas of learning there are four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.
The specific areas are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Staff work hard to ensure that children have a good balance of adult directed and child-initiated learning. We monitor and assess children’s progress and identify the next steps in their learning by observing, supporting and extending their play in a variety of situations. We will share this information with you at parents evening and also in the end of year report about your child. We also share and celebrate children’s achievements more informally through discussion and informal written feedback.
Parents as Partners
As parents we recognise that your role is crucial. We work very hard to involve parents in all aspects of children’s learning and development. Children who are supported well at home make the best progress across all areas of their learning and development.
* We ask that you ensure your child has their book-bag with them each day.
* All children will bring home phonics homework and a reading book to share with you. 10 minutes of practice each day will help your child to make the very best progress.
* All children will have a Learning Log. Each week we encourage you to choose an activity do at home with your child.
*Parents are invited to attend a personal parent consultation meeting in the autumn and spring terms to discuss progress.
We ask all parents to sign a home/ school agreement to recognise this partnership.
Before and After School
The school operates an Early Morning Club from 7.45am and a Stay & Play Club every evening after school until 6.00 pm.
Road Safety
Please note there is no access for vehicles in the Nunthorpe Academy car park. Please do not use this area.
Forms to Download |
New Starter Form |
All About Me |
Home Learning Policy |
Useful Links |
School Policies |
BBC Bitesize |
Newsletter |