Recommmended Requirement – Publishing information on your school meals is NOT a statutory requirement. However, this information is something that parents may be interested in viewing on your school website and an opportunity to promote the FSM element. It can also be considered as promoting the health of your pupils by providing advice to parents on what should be included in packed lunches and also the health benefits of the school lunches.
Guidance on how this information could be displayed is highlighted below.
School Lunches at Robot Primary are balanced, nutritious and delicious. The children are given an excellent choice of food, both hot and cold. This is one of the reasons why we have achieved Healthy Schools status. Children at Robot Primary can opt for our nutritious school meals or can bring in a packed lunch.
School Lunches
Our School lunches are currently £9.50 per week and lunch money can either be paid directly to the school or via parent pay. Parents can find more information about our school meals by clicking the box below. This will take you to our school lunch menus which change weekly on a 4 weekly cycle. There is also a link to Parent Pay whereby you can set up an account to pay for your school meals.
Free School Meals
If you think you may still be eligible for a Free School Lunch we would ask that you apply as it will benefit our children as our pupil premium grant is dependant upon the number of children with FSM (Free School Meals) that we have. If you believe you are eligible, you can download the FSM Form from the box below.
Take a look at some of our school websites for inspiration…