My Maths on Your iPad / iPhone!\r\n\r\nHave you always wanted to be able to access MyMaths on your Apple device? Well here’s a step by step guide to show you how to get it:\r\n\r\nYou will need your iTunes and MyMaths log in details.\r\n\r\n1) Go to the App Store on your device\r\n\r\n2) Search for ‘Puffin Academy’ and download it\r\n\r\n3) Once it has downloaded, open the app\r\n\r\n4) Search for ‘mymaths’ in the search bar which is located at the top right of the screen\r\n\r\n5) Select ‘mymaths’. You should then see a screen that contains a description of mymaths\r\n\r\n6) To the right of the MyMaths icon you should see the option to “go to” Tap this and MyMaths should open inside the Puffin Academy app. This should work just the same as it does on your Windows PC\r\n\r\n7) To use MyMaths in future, just load up the Puffin Academy app and if the MyMaths login screen isn’t displayed, follow steps 4-6.\r\n\r\nEnjoy!