Does my MAT need a website?
With the growing numbers of Multi-Academy Trusts being created across the UK coupled with the increasing amount of statutory information that must be published, we are constantly asked if a MAT needs a separate website.
In short, the answer is YES. Although there is no statutory requirements for MATs to have a website, it is certainly recommended that a MAT has one as there is information that they are statutorily required to publish online.
To provide you with some guidance on what must be published, we have produced a list below of statutory required information. This has been taken from the Academies Financial Handbook.
Publishing information about Governance structures.
In the interests of transparency, an academy must publish on its website up-to-date details of its governance arrangements in a readily accessible format. This must include:
Governance Requirements |
the structure and remit of the members, board of trustees, its committees and local governing bodies (the trust’s scheme of delegation for governance functions), and the full names of the chair of each (where applicable) |
for each member who has served at any point over the past 12 months, their full names, date of appointment, date they stepped down (where applicable), and relevant business and pecuniary interests including governance roles in other educational institutions |
for each trustee and local governor who has served at any point over the past 12 months, their full names, date of appointment, term of office, date they stepped down (where applicable), who appointed them (in accordance with the trust’s articles) and relevant business and pecuniary interests including governance roles in other educational institutions. If the trust’s accounting officer is not a trustee their relevant business and pecuniary interests must still be published. |
for each trustee their attendance records at board and committee meetings over the last academic year |
for each local governor their attendance records at local governing body meetings over the last academic year |
Legal Information
In addition to governance information, the following legal information must also be published.
Legal Information |
In line with the legal requirements for a company limited by guarantee, the MAT must publish the company name, company address and company number |
they may also wish to publish the name of the CEO |
Privacy Policy |
Data Protection Policy |
Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association |
Funding Agreement |
Accounting information
Accounting information |
Trusts must publish the annual accounts on their website no later than the end of January the following financial year to which the accounts relate. |
Admissions information
Stated within the School Admissions Code says that admission authorities must publish a copy of their admission arrangements on their website for the duration of the offer year. As a MAT is the admission authority for its academies, it must therefore publish the following information.
Admissions information |
a copy of its full proposed admission arrangement including the proposed published admission number (PAN) |
details of the person within the admission authority to whom comments may be sent |
the areas on which comments are not sought |
For further information, please visit the Government website using this link. School Admissions Code
Recommended information
Alongside the above statutory information it is also recommended that a Multi Academy Trust website should have some additional information that would be helpful to the user but also to add value to their website.
Recommended information |
Statement of the Aims and ethos of the MAT |
Mission Statements |
Links to other schools within the MAT |
Curriculum content |
Contact information |
Links to social media/blogs/news |
What other elements would make a good MAT website?
As with all school websites, the website must showcase the key ethos and values of the school through the design. The branding of the MAT must also be reflected throughout the site and the messages about the MAT must be consistent.
Navigation must be simple and all content must be easy to find for all key stakeholders.
For further information on Multi-Academy websites design and the solution that iTCHYROBOT Schools can provide please visit