Ofsted Compliant Website? We’ve got a solution for that!
Do you wish your school website was compliant at all times? Well, iTCHYROBOT have just made your wish come true!
iTCHYROBOT Schools are the ONLY school website provider to offer an integrated Ofsted Checker within your website.
When an Ofsted inspection is looming, you know your website will be receiving a lot of hits from inspectors looking for any elements that may not be compliant and prompt an investigation. Do you pay an external adviser to check your website against this content or spend hours trawling your website and sourcing policies that are due for review?
What if we said, we had a solution that would give you peace of mind and confidence in your website being compliant at all times? Not only that, but prompt you when policies or content is to be reviewed. Too good to be true, right?
Well not quite, iTCHYROBOT have taken feedback from schools across the UK about the time and effort taken to ensure their school website is compliant with all required content and the continuous checking across the site for out of date content. With this in mind, our team, along with direction and analysis from head teachers have built the FIRST integrated system that checks your content against Ofsted requirements.
So, how does this work?
Initial check-list set up
The initial set-up takes around an hour to complete
Select your school type – LEA, Academy, MAT and you will be provided with all of the content required for your school. You can easily check from this point what elements your website is missing.
When you are confident you have the requirements, you need to ‘Assign your Evidence’. This gives you an opportunity to show Ofsted the evidence that exists on your website to back up your claims of compliance. These details will be output automatically onto a page on your website for Ofsted to view which directs them to all of the regulatory information.
Manage your information
When you add content or policies to your website, you have the capability of adding review dates and who is responsible to this content. For example, your SEND Policy may be reviewed annually. Set your date for the next review, add the person’s email for who is responsible for this content and the system will prompt YOU when this information is due for review.
Monthly Ofsted Dashboard Report
At all times, you can see how your website is performing and which elements are non compliant, due for review, or, comply.
Ofsted Helper
The Ofsted Checker is also linked to a page on the front end of your website that can be accessed by Ofsted Inspectors and will provide them with an easy to use, comprehensive overview of where the statutory information is placed on your school website with a link to the relevant information.
To find out more about our Ofsted Checker or to view many more of how iTCHYROBOT are the market leaders is school website visit our web features page.